That’s not dirt on your roof – it’s algae!
For streaky, dirty looking roofs, we offer roof cleaning
If your roof is beginning to get streaky green and black marks, your home or building is being compromised by algae.
It’s called Gloeocapsa Magma.
This algae feeds on moisture and calcium carbonate, a major part of the composition of your roof.
The algae travels from house to house by very tiny spores that are carried by the wind.
Over time, the mildew and algae slowly work to deteriorate the integrity of your shingles.
This algae if untreated will reduce the life of your roof and give your home an old, dirty ugly appearance.
One Call to us Cleans it all!
If the stains remain untreated, they will continue to spread compromising your roof.
A stained roof reduces the value of your home. Don’t wait and watch how this algae takes over your home.
Our roof cleaning services are essential to ensuring your roof has a long life and your home retains its value.
We will clean your roof through a low-pressure washing process, applying, eco-friendly cleaning solutions.
These solutions are specifically formulated to kill the algae and other contaminants.
Our recommendation is not hire contractors that use high pressure washing methodologies.
Power washing damages the shingles on the roofs, voiding the manufacturer’s warranty..
Fact – Cleaning your roof is thousands of dollars less expensive than replacing your roof prematurely.
We will give you a cleaning estimate for free.
Call us we’d love to help you!