Our exterior washing and cleaning services encompass a wide range of options to better serve your needs
If your home exterior is looking dirty, dingy, or otherwise unpleasant to the eyes, we can help! At Premier Roof & Stone Cleaning, we are experts at exterior cleaning and use a low-pressure washing technique called softwashing to remove all types organic and non-organic stains and contaminants, such as algae, mold, fungus, mildew and bacteria.
Our broad range of exterior cleaning services include solutions for homes, businesses, apartment complexes, church buildings, corporate centers, financial institutions, hospitals, universities, hotels, government buildings, and retail establishments.
Our team of trained technicians will treat and kill infestations on roofs, siding, gutter fronts, decks, patios, driveways and sidewalks, landscape-rocks, and fences. We’ll make your property look clean and almost as good as new again!

All of our cleaners break down into carbon and water within 20 days of their introduction into the environment, yet clean your exterior thoroughly.

Our cleaners are non-hazardous, require no special handling or storage, and are naturally occurring which means they are safe for your home.

Water Conservation
When compared to pressure washing, our softwashing process conserves more water, reducing the amount of water used.

Low-pressure Washing
- Your roof isn’t just dirty, it’s compromised by bacteria and algae.
- Low-pressure washing cleans and kills with a pest-control like application.